Psalm 139:14a

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Help me…..I need ideas.

Hey guys! So as you mite have noticed, I LOVE to write stories. The sad thing is I dont stick with a story very long.

But i think i have finally found a reallie good story line. I have had numerous compliments on it so far. My 2011 goal was to write a book.

A bit ambitious you mite say. Hey, anything is possible. BUT not when you have writer’s block (yes Ella, i know what it is thank you!)

So i need your help.

The story is about this girl, Kathryn, who has a crush on this guy named Max. She also really likes this guy named Daniel.

When she is hanging out with Max, Kathryn kisses him. Things become awkward between them, because before the kiss they were

good friends. And Daniel and Kathryn confess their like for each other and start dating.

So I need ideas for little things that happen. I have the main story all down, but i need fillers between the events.

PLEASE GIVE ME ANY IDEAS!!! realistic though please. not sci-fi :)   THANK YOU!!!


  1. do you want me to give ideas of what would have if i was a character in your story? i know that was a bit random...or was it?

  2. surrrre....definitely random. but i need small ideas, not the main course of the story

  3. Taquito-
    i know u would like to be one of the characters ;), whether or not u are him

  4. Taquito-

    for jojo

    Have there be a prom and she and her friends are preparing for it, but she is held back cuz she doesn't know who she is going with

    Other than that, i need the story line to come up with more details

  5. but u read the story....but i like that idea. thanks :)

  6. uh...u mean about the story or did u mean i should say "no problem"?

  7. not about story, but essy has need to have a blog post thingy where people can write down words that they want to have become real...and then the people who go on blog will(hopefully) use them :)

  8. that wasnt sarcastic rite?
    otherwise i mite not help u anymore :\

  9. wow....rude....i wasnt being sarcastic!!

  10. [ASIDE] Of coarse she was... [ALOUD] You should totally do that! It would be so fun! (and that wasn't sarcasm, well the last part) >.<

  11. oh are so funnie :)
